AFR in Public and Community Pools
The fun of a day at the pool can quickly turn sour for bathers and facility managers alike with the appearance of human faeces or vomit. In this blog article we give you a brief rundown on what to do should this situation happen at your swimming pool or recreational aquatic facility.
Accidental Faeces Release (AFR) occurs quite frequently and can go undetected. AFR in swimming pool waters can lead to outbreaks of some really unpleasant viruses and bacteria. Human vomit will have a similar effect on pool water safety. So it is important that bathers and pool operators know the steps to take to ensure the safety of the facility and pool users.
“Some faecal microorganisms are resistant to chlorine so special care must be taken when responding to faecal release incidents”
Government of South Australia, SA Health
Public Health Fact Sheet #603: Faecal release incidents- public pool response strategies. July 31 2019
Each Australian State and Territory has its own Standards and Guidelines for how pool operators should deal with this tricky situation. We have written our ‘Guide for Accidental Faecal Release in Public Swimming Pools & Aquatic Facilities’, following the South Australian Governments Standards, due to the location of our Head Office. We strongly recommend you check and comply with the regulations specific to your geographic location.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication and website are intended as a guide only. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date, however, pool operators should ensure they and their staff are familiar with the Standards and Guidelines that cover public pool operations in their own state/territory. Hydrilla Pty Ltd assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage (direct, indirect, consequential, or otherwise) which may result from the use of this guide.